Bharatanatyam Class Curriculum


Dance is the mirror of the soul and the oldest of the arts. It reflects the growing need of a person to communicate their joy or sorrow to others through their body.

In the field of classical dance, the traditional mode of learning-teaching is through guru-shishya parampara, a one to one interaction, an intense emotional bonding, and strength of knowledge received through long and vigorous training. This system created “a professional artist” to carry forward the message of Indian thought and philosophy. Keeping this in mind, best of both gurushishya parampara and modern educational methods came together to offer a professional comprehensive course in Performing Arts. It encouraged strong practice, independent thought, bold

experimentation and intense research activity. The establishment of this faculty was extremely bold and futuristic The synthesis of these arts, envisaged by this faculty, makes it a center of comprehensive study in subjects whose recognition in our country up to independence was at its best but arbitrary and precarious.

Vision and Mission of the Academy offering the course:

 Vision / Objectives

  • To train students in Bharathanatyam to attain proficiency in both performance and teaching career.
  • To enable the students to surpass the conventional approach and introduce innovations in the field of dance. 
  • To train the students to peruse in academics as well as the performances that enables them to lead a better status and livelihood. 
  • To improve the student’s physical state but also influence the mental, emotional as well as the spiritual well being. 
  • To create potential researchers who can enrich the nation with their innovations on and off stage. 
  • To encourage women to make a positive impact on society through synergies within and outside the student community across the Nation

The courses are so designed as to provide a broader outlook on art and life and to foster a balanced sensibility so that the student contributes to cultural and artistic life.

Like any physical activity, whether sports or dance, the training of the body is very crucial as that forms the foundation of learning the form. The course is a 2-year course in which the student learns, identifies, explores and demonstrates the basic knowledge of Bharatanatyam.